Charity Registration No:1201898
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TARA CARE UK is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in UK (Registration No. 1201898). The Organisation is based is Leicester, UK

The Objectives of Tara Care UK

The relief of sickness and preservation of health to the poor in India by provision of financial assistance for the provision of treatment for those who are blind or otherwise suffer from eye-related problems and to help with the provision of facilities and equipment for eye care.

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Tara Sansthan India and its Welfare Activities

Established in 2009, Tara Sansthan an N.G.O. (Charity) is headquartered in Udaipur INDIA. The N.G.O. operates eye hospitals (Tara Netralayas) in many cities namely Udaipur, Delhi, Mumbai, Faridabad, and Loni( Gaziabad) in India They organize eye camps in remote, far-flung rural area as well as in the cities to select patients for providing general eye treatment but mainly conducts eye cataract operations absolutely free for the poor and the needy.

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Other activities of the Tara Sansthan India are as follows:

All the humanitarian endeavours of Tara Sansthan India sustain on public donations and are ABSOLUTELY FREE for the beneficiary people. You can also help and improve a life by making your contribution to the sacred causes.

Operate Old Age Homes ( Anand Vruddhashrams)

Provide Monthly Foodstuff at the doorsteps of needy elders ( Trupti Scheme)

Provide Monthly Cash Help to Young Widows (Gauri Scheme)

Run Free School for the children of the widows

Run Free School for the children of the widows

Old Age People

The Need for Tara Care UK

According to Indian Government Reports, Cataract has been documented to be the most significant cause of bilateral blindness in India. In this country cataract has been reported to be responsible for 50-80% of the bilaterally blind. 

Recent data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that there is a 25% decrease in blindness prevalence in India. This could be due to the increased cataract surgeries in the country. At the same time the proportion of the aged (60+) has also increased significantly in the country. This increase in population means that the population ′at-risk′ of blinding cataract will also increase tremendously. India is committed to the goal of elimination of avoidable blindness.



Tara Sansthan India is contributing to this cause by operating Eye Hospitals for general illness as well as FREE Eye Cataract Surgeries in Eye Hospitals located in 5 cities (Udaipur, Delhi, Mumbai, Faridabad and Loni-Gaziabad) in India. It also organizes Free “Eye Check-Up & Cataract Operation Selection Camps” in rural as well as well city areas where eye cataract patients are selected and then admitted to their nearby eye hospitals for FREE Surgery. Besides, the patients get free check-up, medicines and spectacles as well as food during their stay in the wards. 

Ever since its inception in June 2011, Tara Sansthan has treated over 1,90,0000 (One Million Ninety Thousand) eye patients and approximately 80,000 (Eighty Thousand) Cataract Operations have been performed for FREE at our Eye Hospitals based in various cities mentioned above. 

Tara Sansthan UK is also committed to the goal of elimination of avoidable blindness in India by providing  funds to Tara Sansthan India so that latter can continue the good cause.

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